Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Who says you have to break the bank on back to school supplies?

I waited for this weeks' sale just to stock up on the back to school goodies!
I needed a few things as well as Madi's list for Kindergarten.

FIrst stop!
Rite Aid
3 Mead composition books $0.33ea

Next up, Walgreens!
I'm way too tired to break it down tonight, but here's the basic trip.

6 PEnway 2 pocket folders
3 Colored Pencils 10ct
2 Sharpie hilighters 2ct and 4 ct
3 packs of papermate pens
3 bars of caress soap
1 pack of sheet protectors 10ct
3 packs index cards 100ct
3 pencil sharpeners
3 pks scotch tape
2 elmers glue sticks
1 elmers glue bottle
2 erasers "pink bar"

Original Total: $42.32
Total Paid $14.42 - $6.00 in RR = $8.42
Total saved: $27.90

Am I doing it all again tomorrow? DOes SArah PAlin say "you betcha" way too much?
Well... yeah, you betcha!

btw.. the only coupons I used were in the Walgreens sales paper.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

CVS success!

Loved the trip today!
My fav thing at CVS is all the great makeup deals they have. I get to try a lot of new things and stock up on the stuff I love because sale + mfc + CVS coupon + Extra Bucks = pennies or free!!!

All prices are the sale price this week along with my mfc's and Extra Bucks.

John Freida Root lift $5
Ivory Bar soap 3pk $0.99
2 Loreal deep color lipsticks $5ea

Total $15.99
mfc $5/1 John Freida
mfc $1/1 Ivory
mfc $2/1 Loreal
mfc $2/1 Loreal

Used $3 off $10 beauty purchase that I received from the magical coupon machine
Earned $3 in Extra Bucks for $10 Loreal purchase

Paid $0.65 for everything!

Saved $27.36!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

A couple of good buys this week!

CVS has Suave deodorant on sale for $1!
$1mfc off 2 = $0.50 ea!
Purex laundry detergent is $1.98
$1mfc off = $0.98!
I like to stopck up on Iams when it's on sale. I picked up a mail in rebate next to the 4lb bags at CVS today. Going back with my $1 off coupons and redeeming one MIR!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Free trees for Earth Day!!

Lowe's is giving away free trees on April 23 in honor of Earth Day!

I love free...

And I love trees!

Deal of The Month!!

Best Buy has a special this week on their Disney Movies.

The Incredibles blue-ray, dvd, digital copy - $34.99
Cars blue-ray, dvd - $29.99

Both on sale for $35 total!
Saved $29.98!

I used two coupons from just for the occassion!

Cars - $8.00 off
Incredibles - $10.00 off

Saved another $18.00!

Total Cost for both movies..$18.75 including tax!


I didn't have coupons for Bambi or Pinocchio, but we did get both movies on sale for $35. Includes Blue-Ray and DVD.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Please excuse my week long absence

I've managed to make a couple of excellent shopping trips over the past few days, but the biggest was a new car! Did I use coupons? Sort of. But the best deal came from negotiations. I'll post details later!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Coupon Ettiquette

I've come across a lot of scumbag couponers. Some know what they are doing is crappy, and others just need a simple lesson on coupon morals. Why follow a set of morals? Simple! If customers start abusing the priviledge to use coupons, manufacturers will no longer send them out. It's a lose/lose situation.

Here's a few tips I can think of!

1) Unless you purchased the magazine, DON'T rip coupons out of it! Seriously, can you get any scummier than that?

I like to pick up a Parenting magazine occassionally, and it really SUCKS when another mom has scoured the magazine aisle and ripped ALL the coupons out of the books. Come on people, let's have a smidgen of integrity.

2)Returning items purchased with coupons, just to get the cash back.

"I needed the $$ to buy the good treats!"

Ok.. this is a biggie. It's called COUPON FRAUD. And believe it or not, is illegal! Yes, you can go to jail and/or pay big fines for this little act. DOes this mean I'm gonna be blackballed if I return an item paid with a coupon? No, of course not. I have had to return things for various reasons. Wrong size, item, or simply I just found a better deal elsewhere. It's not something I do often. Since the coupon has already been scanned and processed, the only way to get credit back is for the store to return your money in cash. If you frequent the store or chain.. you will get caught! Short on cash? Here's an idea learn how to be a Krazy Coupon Lady! You'll save more and won't waste time trying to manipulate the system!

3) Using a coupon that says $1.00 off Apple Cinnamon Cheerios only to buy the new Banana Nut kind. Ok, this doesn't seem like a big deal. I accidently did this a few weeks back, because I simply didn't know. It had all the Cheerio brands listed except the one I wanted. I just figured since it was new, it had not made it to print on the coupon. The store processed it with no problems, but now I get to live with the guilt of cheating the system. Oops! Will the Mfc fine the store for such a fraudulent activity? No, but if cashiers make it a habit to not read the coupon and verify the item, quantity, and size is correct, then ultimately the store gets in trouble. They might even be banned from accepting coupons from that Mfc. Sometimes coupons are really hard to read. But if you, the customer, know for a fact that you are trying to squeeze an item through, then shame on you! As for the cashier, respect their jobs! Some cashiers have no clue how to read coupons and interpret their store coupon policy, ahem, Walmart... others are coupon experts and read all the fine print..the Commissary and CVS for example! So do all us couponers and shoppers a favor and abide by what the coupons says!

4) Copying or scanning coupons.

Boy is this ever a no no! I'd hate to be the scumbag that got caught doing this! Coupons have bar codes that are unique to each one. If you duplicate a coupon, it's very unlikely that it will go through. And if it does, guess what! The store will hunt you down and prosecute your sorry couponing ass! If a grocery store processes fraudulent coupons, they don't get reimbursed by the mfc. Thus, they lose money, and lots of it! Unfortunately, many places have stopped taking internet coupons because too many people try to get away with this crime. Do us all a favor and dumpster dive for the extra coupons like the rest of us looney bins!

5) Coupon Exchange!

Trading coupons can be super fun. I love sending my friends $10 coupons for $5 off formula or $2.50 of Huggies. $2 off one Lysol product is awesome! These are high dollar coupons, that I no longer need! Why not pass them to someone who could use them rather than throw away! Sometimes you know the person, other times you are part of a coupon train or forum. Either way, make sure that whatever you asked for, that you send something equally wonderul. Let's say your internet coupon buddy sent you 10 very covetted $4/gilette fusion coupons! If you send her 10 coupons that consist of a mix of Dulcolax, Depends, dog treats, Diabetic meters, and toe nail fungus treatments, then YOU SUCK! Ok.. not really, you're just a tad misinformed! Well, I dunno. Maybe you do Suck! haha Instead send her 10 coupons for $2 off Angel soft toilet paper, because you know that's the preferred brand of her husband's ultra picky hiney!

6) Cool things a couponer can do!

If you're like me, you end up not using 75% of the coupons you clip. So what are my options besides tossing hundreds of dollars in the trash? Here are a few things I personally do.

How nice! Some lucky shopper will save $1.00 because of the generousity of a Coupon Fairy! Don't you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?

* Be a coupon fairy. While you're using your coupons in Target, place the ones you don't need on the products! There's a coupon fairy at our Target, and she is super cool because she tapes the coupon to the item. It doesn't get lost on the shelf!
* Send expired coupons to military families overseas. Exchanges and Commissaries overseas accept coupons up to 6 months past the expiration date. This is an awesome thing to do for military families, as it's a bit hard to get the local Sunday paper delivered to their foreign address!
* Don't have time to play Coupon Fairy? Sort your coupons and take all the Dulcolax, Fixadent, and Depends coupons to the nearest Senior living center. Post the diaper and formula coupons on the community board at ballet! Or at the pediatricians office! There's always someone who could use the coupons you don't!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Even Lowe's has some SemperFiSavings!

We headed out to Lowe's this evening for some paint! The hubby found a great deal on some paint that had been mixed wrong. The lady working was able to change one of the colors to a shade of pink Wes picked out for the girls' room. Total Cost for 1 gallon = $5! Reg $24

She also had a 5 gallon bucket in a khaki color that we were able to snag.
Total cost = $30! Reg $120

Wes decided he wanted to see what they had in the way of area rugs.
He came back with a huge roll of 10'x13' Berber carpet on his shoulder and a smaller roll great for a hallway.

Total Cost: $5!!!!! So cheap, the cashier called the dept to verify.

Extra 10% off the total with the military discount... whoop whoop!

Super proud of the savings the Mr. was able to find today! Our house is a little happier :)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Live near Giants Grocery store? Try this cool scenario to get cereal for $0.56!

Step 1: Go to, use area code 90210.

Step 2: Print the following coupons...
Lucky charms - $0.55 off one box
Cinnamon Toast Crunch - $0.55 off one box
Have two computers? Print at least one more! Or search your coupon stash and see if you have another.

Step 3: Purchase 3 General Mills cereals from Giant Foods: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Golden Grahams, or Cocoa Puffs at 3/$5 or $1.67 ea (must buy 3 to get deal) Use your Giant card or apply for one to get sale price.

Step 4: Use three coupons you just printed at $0.55 off. Guess what! Giants doubles them! So you save a total of $3.30 using coupons. This means you purchase 3 boxes for $1.70 or $0.56 each.... not too shabby for Reg. $4 cereals!

Step 5: Do the happy dance down the aisle.. give the cashier a high five.. and spread your wealth of knowledge to friends!

Thank me by sharing my blog! And letting me know you scored the deal!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

You asked for it.. you got it... SemperFiSavings class 101!

I have had multiple requests to teach a class on couponing. If you're in Stafford or Quantico and want to learn how to save 60+% on your grocery/toiletry bill, then this class is for you! Of course there's no charge, so come hungry, happy, with empty pockets and a handful of coupons to clip! If any of you ladies get the paper on base, I suggest bringing the latest Commissary sales paper for reference.

SemperFiSavings 101

Sunday March 13
My house
Please RSVP for address

Materials needed:
3 copies of the Sunday local paper or Washington Post.
3 ring binder
A pair of scissors
*I won't complain if you choose to bring snacks ;)

Need to bring your kids? My wonderful husband will play with them downstairs in the playroom. Don't worry. He's pretty darn good with kids. Afterall, we do have two preschoolers!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Cheap dog food at Target

Really great deal on Pedigree dogfood this week at Target.
The 3.5lb bags are on sale for $4ea.
I used two $3/1 coupons and ended up paying $1 for each!
Doesn't beat the free bags of Iams dog food a couple of weeks ago, but it certainly comes close!

Afternoon savings at Rite Aid

Hubby likes to give me a hard time about my couponing. Lt. SmartyPants didn't think I could walk out of Rite Aid spending less than $5.
Challenge accepted:

Trans 1:
3 Sweetheart bags from V-day
90% off
1 Total Advance toothpaste
Mfc -$1.00
Ups -$2.00
Total Cost: $0.45

Trans 2:
1 TOtal Advance toothpaste
Mfc -$1.00
2 King Reeses
Mfc - $1.00
Ups: -$2.00
Total: $1.19

Trans 3:
1 Lysol no touch soap dispenser
Reg: $14.99
Sale: $7.49
Mfc: -$3.00
Ups: -$2.00
Total: $2.86

Overall total was: $4.50

Came home with $5 in Ups earned and 4 coupons for 10%off.

Challenge Won!

Bought $200 worth of groceries tonight....Paid $75!

I've been wanting to try and visit Safeway ever since I started following the KCL's. Did my homework and was able to do a decent job of grocery shopping considering it was my first time in the store.

The Safeway near me doubles coupons up to $0.75. They have in store coupons and ecoupons that can be stacked with mfc's.

Here's how it went!

8 Fruit snacks
mfc -$4.00
*2 Fajita mixes
$0.89 ea
*1 Redenbacher popcorn 10ct
1 Lays kettle chips
2 Ragu sauces
12 mini snack bags - oreos/teddy grahams/nutter butters
$1.00ea Buy 10 get 2 free
4 Ritz crackers
5 Gatorade Prime
mfc -$5.00
*1 Flour tortillas
4 Tide stain remover spray bottles
mfc -$12.00
10 Stouffers Lasagna
mfc -4.00
*1 Breakstone Sourcream
2 Marie Callenders frozen entree
mfc -$2.00
3 Dannon Danimals yogurt packs
mfc -$3.00
*Kraft shredded cheese
1 California Pizza
mfc -$1.00
1 Tyson beef potroast
mfc -$1.00
2 Fishsticks
mfc -$2.00

$10 off $30 of Frozen foods (March is frozen food month!)
$4.50 off for using printed Catalina's

Total Cost of groceries: $75.00

Total saved: $132.52
$87.50 from Safeway card
$34.99 in coupons

$207.52 worth of groceries for $75! woohoo!

Came home with a Catalina for $1.50 off next purchase as well as $$ off Stouffers and Kellogs fruit snacks.

I'd like to take this time to point out the items my husband tossed into the buggy. He likes to pick up things that are NOT on sale and that I DON'T have coupons for. Those items are noted with an *.
They total up to be $19.65.
I guess if he loads and unloads the groceries for me, it's worth the extra $20 to let him tag along. ;) hehe

Thanks to the Mr. for always doing a great job setting up our items for a photoshoot!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pampers diapers....$2.99 at Food Lion!

March 6 is the last day to take advantage of this remarkable deal!

Pampers are on sale at Food Lion for $7.99.
Combine that with the $2/1 for last Sunday's paper and a print out from Food Lion, and you pay $2.99! That's a stock up price people.

Copy the link for more details and coupon site.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

It's Saturday, and that means last chance to take advantage before the new sales start tomorrow

The best thing CVS had going this week was their Tide Stain products on sale for $3.99.
You could purchase a combination of the liquid stain release, drop ins, or spray bottle.
Of course, I've purchased multiples of everything over the last 6 days!

I can only use four like coupons in one trip, so tonight I purchased $16 dollars worth of Tide products... that's the sale price!
The fabulous part is handing my coupons to the cashier and watching the magic happen!
Total comes to $4 plus tax on all four products. And of course if you collect Extra Bucks like any normal Krazy Coupon Lady would, then you end up getting the items free!
My laundry shelf is happy!

Friday, March 4, 2011

I love getting something for nothing!

Dropped a few dollars ar Rite Aid and CVS the other day.

Paid roughly $11.00 for all this! That's because the baskets were 3/$10! Everything else was free with my coupons and Extra Bucks cash! Long line behind me, due to lunch hour ruch, not my slowness. Folks were confused how I walked away with all that!

Total cost for this trip was $0.22.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Just saved 75% on my grocery bill! Here's how!

Last night, Bloom, was filled with over excited and bubbly super saving coupon diva's. I was one of them! My cashier even commented how pleasant everyone has been today.
It's hard not to be extrememly happy and excited when you see just how much all your hard work of scouring the ads and clipping coupons pays off.

One day a month, Bloom, has super double coupon days. This is where they double coupons up to $1.99!!
I went in loaded with any coupons I had between $1 and $1.99 off, and scored some big savings.

This evening I bought $175 dollars worth of groceries.
I paid $60 for everything!

Every item in this picture was purchased using a coupon. In fact, these days, I don't by anything unless I have a coupon with it!
This bill is incredibly confusing. So I will list the items purchased along with their regular price. At the end I'll add the savings from my Bloom card followed by savings just from the coupons I used!

2 GM Lucky Charms $8.78
2 Ritz Chips $5.98
3 Kellogs Special K Oats N Honey $10.17
2 Pop Secret Popcorn $5.98
1 Post Honey Bunches of Oats peach $3.22
6.38lbs of red seedless grapes $19.27
4.76lbs of bananas $2.80
4 Smart balance half gallon milks $13.16
6 packs of Jello Pudding $17.94
2 Danimals yogurt packs $5.98
2 Dannon Yogust smoothie packs $4.98
20 Yoplait Yogurt cups $14
7 Dannon Yocrunch Yogurt cups $4.90

Total: $152.51
Breeze card -$27.05 (their store discount card)
Mfc's: -$75.00 (that's right.. just from coupons!)

Total Out of Pocket: $50.46

Along with my purchase, a few Catalin's printe up. Savings on more yoplait and cereal. So dad loaded the kids in the car, and I went back in while I could still double the coupons!

Trans 2:
20 Yoplaits $14.00
8 YoCrunch $5.60

Total: $26.81
Breeze card: -$4.00
Mfc's: -$9.40
Total out of pocket: $13.41

SO in all I spent a grand total of $63.87.
I saved a total of $115.45

That's $179.32 of groceries for $63.87!! Nearly 75% in savings!!!

A pat on the back from my cashier who informed me that I beat the record of the day of 48% savings.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Free Pancakes at IHOP! Today Only!

It's National Pancake Day, and to celebrate, IHOP is serving up one order of free short stack pancakes for every customer!
Who can resist free pancakes!?
Be a dear and leave an appropriate tip. Also, make a donation to the charity they are sponsoring!

Dumpster diving! Don't knock it till you try it!

If you're serious about coupons, you already know about dumpster diving! The fine art of rescuing those valuable circulars from the recycle bin!
I've been hearing all the hoopla, and finally musterd up the guts to do it tonight! So much fun! The Mr and I came home with so many circulars! Some I had never even seen, since coupons can vary by region.

Depending on your budget, you can purchase multiple Sunday papers each week, you can beg friends, family, even strangers to give you their inserts, or you can go snooping in the recycle bin. The latter will definitely give you thousands of dollars in valuable products!

Tonight, I found a few inserts that actually had an expiration of today, 2/28. Clipped them very quickly and paid $0.99 for Tide stain booster liquids and tablets at CVS. (those things are normally $6 at min!)

Can't wait to get them all clipped and share the wealth! Hey! It pays to be my friend!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Victory at Walgreens!

Today at Walgreens the hubby got to participate in all the savings. He purchased most of the items, used the coupons, saw the total dwindle to mere pennies, and best of all most of the goodies were for him!
Anyone still pay retail for the Fusion ProGlides? My hubby absolutely loves them, and since they're basically $0.99 - $2.99ea every few weeks I can coming my coupons with the sales and get them from free with my Xtra Bucks, Register Rewards, or Up Rewards. Quick tip: It's way cheaper to buy the razor than the cartridges.

Because of Walgreens' strict coupon policy, I had to practically pay for every item separately. Took some time, but was worth the savings. I'll stick with an estimate, bc truthfully I have no desire to dig through all those receipts!

4 Gilette Fusion Razors
Sale $9.99
Mfc -$4.00
RR -$3.00
Total $2.99ea
2 Old Spice Bodywash (not pictures)
Reg approx $5.00
Mfc bogo deodorant free
2 Old Spice deodorants
Around $22.00
RR Used (well a whole lot!)
Final cost was a couple of dollars

Also purchased was...
2 Baby Magic
1 Poligrip
1 Motrin PM
2 Nivea Lip care
Colgate Total

How is that possible? Each of these items cost somewhere in the vicinity of $3ea and all earned their total value back in RR...which I of course turned around and used on the first transaction!

Good deals on laundry supplies this week!

Big time savings at CVS today!

2 Tide stain release tablets
Sale $3.99
Mfc -$3.00
Total $1.98
2 Tide stain release liquids
Sale $3.99
Mfc -$3.00
Total $1.98
1 Gillette Fusion razor
Sale $9.99
Mfc -$4.00
EB earned -$4.00
Total $1.99
2 Crest ProHealth toothpastes
Reg $3.29
XB earned $3.29
Mfc -$2.00
Total -$2.00
1 Olay ageless face cleanser
Reg $5.57
Mfc Bogo Olay cleanser get Olay bodywash free
1 Olay Bodywash
XB earned $2.00
Total -$2.00
Mfc Bogo Olay Bodywash get Secret deodorant
1 Secret Deodorant
Total Cost: $5.53
XB used: -$5.00
Total: $0.53

It's Coupon Sunday!!

And you know what that means!
All the inserts I can get my hands on..sorted..and cut..then filed away in my binder!
SmartSource and P&G are the inserts this week. P&G is my fav and is loaded with great deals on Tide and diapers!

Just a few of the inserts I sorted through this morning. Olivia enjoyed helping me cut, and Noaa enjoyed laying beside me on fresh newspaper :)

Saturday, February 26, 2011 stockpile!

I coupon to save money... and I save money by stockpiling. Think about it. If I can catch Suave deodorant on sale for less than a quarter, then I had better be using multiple coupons to stock up! Stocking up eliminates that uncomfy feeling of finding yourself stuck in the potty with no toilet paper in the house.
I have been couponing for a while, but the stockpiling just began a bit over a month ago. My first item was Pantene mousse.. I go through about a can a week with these lovely locks, so it made sense to stock up like mad when I found them on sale and used coupons to get them for less than 50 cents each. Any other Pantene girls out there? Those bottles will run you anywhere from $3.75-$5.15.
The easiset and cheapest items to accumulate are the soaps, lotions, shampoos, deodorants, and toothpastes. In fact, I have to stop myself. I really don't need anymore soap.
Laundry detergent and toilet paper takes me a bit more time, but I'm doing a lot better than I was 2 months ago!
I love the groceries stores in my area. Every one of them doubles coupons up to $0.99! This has allowed me to stock up on Peanut butter, pasta sauces, cereals, and popcorn for pennies! The skippy and pasta sauces were the biggest deals at $0.11 each after coupons. And my popcorn was about $0.30 each after Giants doubled my coupons while it was on sale!

Today was a lot of fun. My thrifty spending has made it possible to buy two shelves to start our stockpile on! Prior to tonight my kitchen cabinets have been overflowing. And there is nothing more agravating than your pre schoolers finding the stocked up peanut butter and eating from every container with a spoon. Seeing all the Cheerio's boxes opened hasn't been a picnic either.

So here is what I have so far... Looking forward to building on it, especially in the grocery department, and donating the excess to my favorite causes.

Friday, February 25, 2011

$75 of dining for me and the family tonight! Final bill - $6 plus the tip!

How the heck did I score this big of a deal?
Go to Select from participating restaurants in your area or in a town you plan to visit. Choose the amount you think you will need, and at checkout type in DINE for the promo code. The balance of the account will adjust to 80% off the amount of the certificate!
Keep your eyes open on the minimum purchase needed to use the certificate though. If you buy a $25 certificate but the min purchase is $50, then be aware that'll be $25 out of your pocket at the restaurant.

To my college friends - the Jeffersons in Oxford has this deal going!

Thanks to for the heads up!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Found a jewel in the middle of Dumfries....

Decided to head North about 6 miles this time to the little town of Dumfries, where I hoped to find more J&J products at the local Rite Aid. You know how you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover? Well, I totally did. Pulled up into the park lot and though, eh.. this doesn't look like too nice of a store. It's in a somewhat run down shopping center and is definitely older than what I am used to seeing now a days with all the chains building brand new stores.
Nonetheless I went in with my coupon book and wandered to the baby aisle. Found exactly what I needed, but didn't want to wipe the shelf clean of the Johnson Naturals. The store manager happened to be standing beside me and said he could order more for me. The truck comes in every Saturday! Every Saturday? The one in Stafford only gets a truck twice a month. Turns out this is a super busy store with a super nice manager. He ordered 8 more for me before I checked out...which brings me to my transactions!

Transaction 1:

9 Johnson & Johnson Shampoos/soaps/washes/baby oil
Reg: $4.49
Ups earned: -$18.00
Total: Free!

Total Saved: $40.41

Transaction 2:
9 Johnson & Johnson Shampoos/soaps/washes/baby oil
Sale: $2.99
Ups earned: -$18.00
Total: Free!

Total Saved: $40.41

Total Saved all together: $80.82!
Left with $22 worth of Up Rewards
$20 in Ups for reaching my Winter Rewards of $100!!

Of course no one person needs this many J&J products, so the bulk of it will be donated to young E1-E3 familes and aside from what my kids will use, the rest I plan to send to a coupols of very special pregnant ladies :)

I love the possibilities with couponing!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Target savings!

I like to visit Target occassionally to see what they have put on clearance.
Tonight I was able to stack 2 mfc coupons and Target coupons and walk away with this deal!

2 Vaseline Men's lotion
Sale: $2.69ea
Mfc: -$2.00
Target Coupon: -$2.00

Total: $1.38 for both!
Saved: $4.60

Walmart run for the hubby...

I was hoping to use these coupons with a sale at CVS or Rite Aid, but the hubby wants his preferred brand of deodorant, and they are nearing their expiration date. Still, not a bad purchase.

2 Old Spice Fresh Collection Body wash
Reg: $3.97
Mfc: -$1.00
2 Mfc: Bogo free (by one body was get one deodorant free)

Total: $8.70
Total Saved: $8.50

This will blow your mind.......

Rite Aid has a fabulous deal going on this week with Johnson &Johnson products! Sale is $2.99ea plus $2Ups. Stack that with a mfc of -$1.00 and you have yourself some free baby wash and lotion!
Thankfully my local Rite Aid was well stocked, thus there was no shelf clearing.

This was trip one. I plan to do this again... tomorrow!

18 Johnson & Johnsons Wash/Lotion/Bubble Bath/Shampoo/Desitin
Reg: $5.69 x's 18
Sale: $2.99 x's 18
Ups earned: $2.00 x's 18
Mfc: -$1.00 x's 18
Total: FREE!

Total Saved: $102.42

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Rite Aid Deals!

My trip to Rite Aid was a bit rough today. Mainly because the girls were with me, and of course running all over the place.
I was able to score some great deals, but I didn't tons of transactions and use UP rewards back to back simply because the kids were driving me... well crazy.

Transaction 1
2 Xtra Laundry Detergents
Reg: $3.49ea
Sale: $1.97ea
2 Halls cough drops
Reg: $2.69ea
Mfc: -$1.00
Ups earned: $-2.00
3 Iams Dog food 4lb
Reg: $8.99ea
Sale: $5.99ea
Mfc: -$6.00ea (making these bags free!)
2 Right Guard Body wash
Reg: $4.99
Sale: $3.99ea
Ups earned: -$6.00
1 Johnsons Baby wash
Reg: $5.60
Ups earned: -$2.00 (making this item Free!)

Total Paid: $17.52
Total Saved: $39.12
Ups earned: $9.00

Transaction 2
1 Rite Aid thermometer
Reg: $9.99
Sale: $8.99
Ups used: -$3.00 (from RG body wash)
-$3.00 (from RG body was)
-$1.00 (from Halls cough drops)
-$2.00 (from J&J baby wash)

Total Paid: $0.44
Total Saved:$10.00

This transaction was supposed to put me over $100 worth of items spent that qualified for the Winter Rewards. Spend that amount and receive a $20Up. I did some research and it appears the card number used on my transactions today was incorrect. I received the discountes rates, but it started my Winter Rewards all over. Thus, I will be contacting the store tomorrow to see if I can merge those accounts or if I should simply return all items and re-do the transaction.

Semperfimommy wants her $20Ups! Rah! :)

Craigslist Junkie

Some people go antiquing, others can't stay out of the pawn shop... I can't seem to go a day without browsing Craigslist. If you haven't explored the best way to buy and sell used items, you're missing out! I love getting rid of items we no longer need without the hassle of a yard sale.
Today I managed to bring home a 6 drawer dresser for the kids clothes. $10!
Now to convince the hubby to help me haul it upstairs!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Success at Walgreens!

Finally had a good run at Walgreens! We were stuck in Woodbridge today due to a huge fire on I-95, so we piddled around Walgreens and went out for pizza.
I would have come out making even more $$ had daddy and the kids not raided the candy aisle. HA!

3 Olay Body Washes
Sale: 3/$10
Mfc: Buy one Olay Body was get Olay moisturizer free (up to $6)
3 Olay Moisturizers
Reg: $9.49ea
Sale: $7.49 (I had to oay diff of $6 which totaled $1.49ea)
Mfc: -$18.00 (used 3 bogo coupons)
Paid: $4.47 for all 3
2 Lysol Toilet Cleaners
Reg: $2.99
Sale BOGO free
Mfc: -$1.00
3 Twizzler packs
Sale: $1.34ea
2 Wii candy dispensers
Reg: $1.99ea
1 Swedish Fish
Reg: $2.29

Register Rewards used:
Register Rewards earned on Olay $3.00
Register Rewards earned on Twizzlers $3.00
Total: $5.97

Total saved: $54.33

If Dad hadn't have caved on the candy, I would have made $0.30 on the entire transaction. BUT! Glad they could enjoy my Krazy couponing. I think I finally won the hubby over after he watched the process.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Late night run for Gatorade..always an opportunity to score a good deal!

Had to make a late night run for gatorade. My poor little girl is sick, and we're keeping her hydrated with plenty of electrolytes. Giants had them on sale 10 for $10 on the 64oz bottles. I suppose that's a decent deal, but it hurt not to have coupons for the purchase!

Skipped over to CVS and gathered up some good deals. The manager and I know each other on a first name basis now, so we enjoyed a little chat. He also gave me a heads up of a sale this weekend. 75% off all Valentine's.. woohoo! Time to stock up for next year!

I'm too lazy to take a picture tonight, so you'll just have to trust me on this one ;)

Here's how the trip went.

2 Xtra Laundry Detergents
Sale: $1.88ea
2 Colgate Wisps 4pk
Sale: $1.94ea
Mfc: -$1.00
1 CVS Baby Wipes
Reg: $0.99
1 Dr. Pepper 20oz (my poison)
Reg: $1.79
CVS Extra Bucks coupon: -$7.58

Total: $2.31
Saved: $12.10

Green Bag Tag: Earned $1 in Extra Bucks. (After 4th scan, you earn $1EB)


Thursday, February 17, 2011

$15 Oil Change AND tire rotation at Firestone!

Had to read the fine print twice on this deal.. but it's too good AND it's true!
Coupon is chain wide, but call ahead to confirm your local Firestone will accept the coupon. Copy and Paste the link to access the coupon.

Add this site to one of your favorites! Great updates on savings throughout the day!


A few deals I happened about while in town.. check it out

Scored a few items while out in town today!
Paid with couch change!

Rite Aid

1 Gain dishwashing liquid 11oz
Reg: $1.49
Sale: $0.87
Mfc: -$0.20
Total: $0.71
Saved: $0.62


2 Propel Fitness waters
Sale: $1.00ea
Mfc: -$2.00ea
Total: Free!


2 Gain Fabric Softener sheets 80ct
Reg: $3.12ea
Mfc: -$3.00 x2
2 Suave deodprants
Sale: $0.97ea
Mfc: -$1.00
Total: $1.18
Saved: $10.12

I love impressing the manager at CVS!

The Manager was impressed when I walked away with this steal! And wanted to know where he too could fine $6 Iams coupons! Ebay!

2 Iams Dog Food 4lbs
Reg: $7.00ea
Mfc: -$6.00 x2

1 Xtra Detergent
Sale: $1.88

Extra Bucks used: -$3.88

Total: $0.79
Saved: $18.97

Commissary deals

Found some good deals at the commissary today!
Stocked up on cereal and toilet paper.

2 General Mills Chex cereal
Sale: $1.79

2 Multi Grain Cheerios
Sale: $1.99

2 Banana nut Cheerios
Sale: $1.99ea

2 Very Berry Cheerios
Sale: $1.25ea

1 ToastEms Poptarts 12pk
Reg: $1.49

2 Pop Secret Popcorn
Sale: $0.99ea

1 Gatorade 64oz
Reg: $1.79

4 Gain Fabric softener sheets 80ct
Reg: $3.39

2 Angel Soft bath tissue 9pk
Sale: $3.39ea

Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil 75ct
Sale: $1.55 (found this deal on the "damaged" aisle!)

Coupons used:
-$3.00 Gain
-$3.00 Gain
-$3.00 Gain
-$3.00 Gain
-$0.75 Reynolds Wrap
-$2.00 Angel Soft
-$1.00 Cereal
-$0.75 Cereal
-$2.00 Angels Soft
-$0.75 Cereal
-$1.00 Cereal
-$1.00 PopCorn
-$0.50 PopTarts
-$1.00 Cereal
-$2.00 Angel Soft

Total: $21.26
Saved: $24.75

Wanda and Leslie

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Clearance shelf at Walmart!

Took a late night trip to Walmart with the hubby to buy ammo for our glock :) He looked for deals on the ammo aisle, and I scored big in bath and body.
Here's how I did!

7 Kids Suave 2 in 1 Shampoo and Conditioner
Reg.. I dunno..
Clearance: 0.75 each
Total: $5.25
2 Dove Invisible Care
Reg: $2.00
Mfc: -$1.00
Total: $2.00
3 Onyx Professional Acetone
Reg:... I don't know that either.. but a lot more than what I paid!
Sale: 0.50ea
Total: $1.50

Total: $8.50
This deal would have been even more amazing had I had some suave coupons that could have been used on the kids brand.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Quantico Commisary

Pretty good deal going on at the Commissary this week if you happen to have a few coupons to stack!

Angel Soft 12 Roll
Sale: $3.98
Mfc: -$2.00
Total: $1.98

Pretty decent deal on TP!

Walgreens and I simply do not get along

I've tried my hardest, but it seems I can never walk away from Walgreens feeling nearly as accomplished as I do at CVS and Rite-Aid. They're a bit more strict on their coupon rules. And the Register Rewards you are able to gain, aren't as easily spent when purchasing multiple items of the same thing.
Here's how I did today.

1 Axe Bodywash
On clearance: $1.59
4 Colgate Toothpaste
Sale: $2.49ea x2
Bogo Free: -$2.49 x2
Mfc: -$2.00
2 Lysol No Touch dispense
Reg: $11.99
Register Rewards: -$7.00 x2
Mfc: -$2.00 x2
2 Quilted Northern TP
Sale: $3.99ea x2

RR used: -$7.00

Total: $27.46

RR Earned: -$14.00

Final Total: $13.46

Total Saved: $18.58

Morning rush hour at RiteAid

After my very successful CVS trip, Rite Aid was calling my name!

2 Colgate Sensitive toothpaste
Sale: $3.50ea
Mfc: -$1.00
1 GE CFL light bulb
Reg: $5.99
Sale: $2.99
Mfc: -$1.00
2 Ziploc Gallon bags
Reg: $2.99 ea
Sale: $2.50 ea
Mfc: -$1.25
2 Dove Deodorants
Reg: $3.49ea
Sale: $2.00ea
Mfc: -$2.00
4 Palmolive DishSoap 20oz
Reg: $3.39ea
BoGO Free: -$3.39 x2
Mfc: -$2.00

RiteAid coupons: -$3.50
Total: $4.36
UP Rewards: -$2.00

Total spent: $2.36
Total Saved: $38.47


Free stuff at CVS! That is if you're Krazy enough!

Had a nice headstart on things this morning, so I decided to cash in on some of this weeks deals at CVS.

1 Listerine Total Care mouth wash
Reg: $5.99
Sale: $3.99
Mfc: -$1.00
1 Listerine Zero mouth wash
Reg: $5.99
Sale: $3.99
Mfc: -$3.00
1 Reach dental floss
Reg: $3.99
Mfc: -$1.00
1 Reach Total care double pack toothbrushes
Reg: $6.89
2 Colgate Sensitive Toothpast
Reg: $9.98
Sale: $3.79ea
Mfc: -$1.00

CVS coupon: -$3.00
CVS coupon: -$5.00

Total: $10.32

Extra Bucks: -$7.58 (for toothpaste)
Extra Bucks: -$4.00 (for Listerin & Reach)

Total: $0.00
Profit: $1.26 That's right! CVS paid me to take away my items :) And sent me away with some coupons!

Total Saved: $23.30

Friday, February 11, 2011

Don't be a shelf clearer! Now's the time to special order!

I like to preview all the drugstore circulars a week or so ahead of time. I can prepare my coupns and really save up on items when they're at their lowest cost.

Starting Sunday, Walgreens will have their Lysol no touch Soap dispensers on sale for $4.99! Pair that with the $3 off Mfc coupon in Sunday's paper, and I'll leave with a great deal of $1.99! I love that I have some Register Rewards left over, so hopefully there will be no out of pocket expense.

Usually items like these get swiped pretty fast. A good way to get what you want at the sale price, esp if you plan to buy a lot, is to special order. Call or visit the manager, and order the number of items you need! Basically you're odering a shipment of supplies and having it sent to your store! Pay when you pick up.

Managers and sales clerks are a lot happier for you and your Krazy savings, when you don't clear a shelf and leave other customers with nothing :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Consistently having more Extra Bucks than the transaction is not a bad problem to have!

Thus my trip to CVS was quite successful today.
I love candles and air fresheners, and with my coupons and CVS's Extra Bucks, I was able to stock up. Picked up some chap stick for all four kissers in the family too :)

Transaction 1:

2 Glade candle refills
Reg: $4.99ea
Sale: $2.50ea
Mfc: -$1.00
Mfc: -$1.00
2 Glade candle holders
Reg: $4.39ea
Sale: $2.50ea
Mfc: -$1.00
Mfc: -$1.00
2 Irish Spring Body Wash
Reg: $4.99ea
Sale: $2.49ea
Mfc: -$1.00
SubTotal: $10.73
-$10.00 in Extra Bucks I had

Total out of pocket: $0.73

Saved: $28.76

And earned more Extra Bucks! $8.00 in Extra Bucks.
*Just realized one of my $1.00 off coupons didn't go through. poop! Would have brought my total to 0.00 and given me a credit of $0.27. No complaints here though.. was a great trip!

Transaction 2:

4 Nivea Lip care
Had bogo free coupons
Mfc: -$4.59
Mfc: -$4.59
CVS coupon: -$3.00 (for spending $10 in beauty dept!)

Total: $5.79
Total Saved: $12.18

Earned $5 Extra Bucks for spending $10 in Nivea products.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Rite Aid.. went in for dog food, came out with.. well a whole lot more!

Noaa ran out of dog food, so a trip to Rite Aid was in order this evening. Great deal on a little bag of Kibbles N Bits!
Since the family was waiting for me in the car, I opted to bring home the Rewards $$ for another day, and just do one transaction.

3 Mentos Rolls
Sale: 0.50 each
3 Mfc: - $1.50
Kibbles N Bits Dog Food
Sale: $3.99
Mfc: -$2.00
Total: $1.99
1 Aveeno Shampoo
Reg: $7.49
Sale: $3.74
Mfc: -$1.50
1 Aveeno Conditioner
Reg: $7.49
Sale: $3.74
Mfc: -$1.50
1 Finess Shampoo
Reg: $3.99
Sale after Up Rewards: 0.50
1 Finess Conditioner
Reg: $3.99
Sale after Up Rewards: 0.50

Cost: $13.38
Up Rewards earned: $7.00

Total Cost: $6.38
Total Saved: $13.50

CVS.. bleh

Not too many deals for my family at CVS this week.
I did however, get a chance to browse the aisles on my own for 30 minutes today.
Here's what came home with me :)

Transaction 1:

Tide Liquid Detergent 4oz
Sale: $4.99
Mfc: $1.00
Total: $4.29
Saved: $6.00

Transaction 2:

2 Old Spice Deodorants
Sale: $3.99 each
Mfc Bogo Free" $-3.99
Green Bag Tag purchase: 0.99
Total: $6.17
Saved: $7.85

Total Spent: $10.46
Total Saved: $13.85

Earned: $2 in Xtra Bucks towards any body wash
$2 Extra Bucks
20% off any make up purchase
$3 off any mak-up purchase over $10

Saturday, February 5, 2011

At $2.99 each, drop the modesty and stock up!

This morning when I logged into one of my favorite coupon sites, I noticed a special Valentine deal on a year round treat! I could be arrested for withholding information so good!

K-Y Yours + Mine 3 oz for $2.99 at Target!(Reg: $24.99)

Alright.. wipe the smirk off your face and get a grip. I've seen FaceBook statuses more risque than a little bottle of liquid on the Tampax aisle.
Not that most of you need to be directed to the deal. Unless you've been hiding under a rock, everyone has cut the corner of that aisle and somehow managed to keep walking straight with one eye peeled to the goodies.

So with Valentine's weekend a mere week away, grab your partner (or yourself..hey, no one's judging) and doe-si-doe down to Target and cash in on this steal of a deal. Heck, stock up while it's cheap! Purchase a few for your friends. It makes an excellent wedding gift ;)

The best coupon ($7 off) can be found on FB. Just follow the link and "like" the page to print it. Unlike it when it's all over if you wish.
In the mean time, enjoy seeing your entire friend list flock to the page!

Whoe! Relax! Get the kids out of the car and go back to the dinner table.
Sale starts tomorrow!/kycouples?v=app_165676116811978

Buy 1 K-Y Yours + Mine 3 oz $14.99
Use $7.00/1 – K-Y Premium Brand Product, Redeemable ONLY on K-Y Brand Intense, Intrigue, Yours+Mine Couples Lubricants, or Yours+Mine couples lubricants, or Yours+Mine Kissable Sensations (excludes trial sizes) – (
Pay: $7.99, Receive $5 Target Gift Card
Final Price: $2.99

Friday, February 4, 2011

Quick finds at Target

Dropped the family off at the gym this evening, and since my foot is still broken, I decided to mosey on over to Target with my coupon book and see what kind of deals I could snag.
I rarely shop at Target, so I'm not as familiar with their offers, but nonetheless I think I came out fairly well.
I was stopped in the aisle by another coupon shopper who was impressed that I too carried a 3 ring binder in the child seat of the buggy! We shared a "fist bump" and moved on.

Olay Complete Bodywash with bonus 4oz age defying wash
$4.66 (on clearance)
Mfc: bobo Facial moisturizer free
Olay Facial moisturizer
Garnier Skin Exfoliating brush
Target coupon: -$2.00
Mfc: -$1.00
Total: $2.99
Reynolds slow cooker liners
Mfc: -$1.00
Total: $0.69

Total Spent: $9.62
Total saved: $10.23

Giant savings!

Hopped over to Giant's today to cash in on some advertised sales.
Even got a few compliments from the cashier on this one.

15 boxes of Orville Redenbacher popcorn 3ct
Reg: $2.50
On Sale: $1.67
15 Mfc: -$0.55 (doubled)
Total: $0.57 per box
or $8.55 total

1 Tobasco Habanero
Reg: $1.99
On sale: $1.50
Mfc: -$0.75 (doubled)
Total: FREE

Nature's Pride Whole wheat bread
REg: $2.99
Sale: $2.50

2 Jewish Rye Bread
Reg: $2.00 each
Sale: $1.79 each
Total: $6.08

Total Spent: $14.63
Total Saved: $31.90

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Late night trip to CVS..without the kids!

Transaction 1:
2 Halle Berry Pure Orchid Perfumes
Reg: $16.99
On sale: $8.49 each
Extra Buck: -$2.00
Extra Buck: -$1.00
Earned Extra Bucks: +$10.00
Total Cost: $4.82!!

The perfume wasn't advertised on sale, so it was a nice surprise.
Makes a great gift giver!!

Transaction 2:
3 Skippy PB
On sale: 3/$5 or $1.67 each
Mfc: -$3.00
2 Herbal Essence Shampoo and Conditioner
On sale: $2.99 each
Mfc: -$1.00
Extra Bucks Earned: +$2.00
2 Nyquil
On sale: $4.99 each
Extra Bucks Earned: $+1
Mfc: -$1.50
Mfc: -$1.50
Extra Bucks from day before: $-2.00
Total Cost: $9.38!
Total saved: $20.91!

Just call me Krazy!

This trip began as a simple return. Feb 1, I purchased 2 Crest 360 toothbrushes that were bygo free, however the cost of one was a $7.85, and me being Krazy and all.. well I just couldn't stand the expense. So, upon returning the items and the cash back into my pocket, I scoured the aisle for two items I was on the prowl for. Here's how I did!

1 Neuragen Gel
Reg $29.99
On Sale for $19.99
Mfc -$5.00
Mail in rebate of $19.99
Total cost: FREE! Plus a $5.00 money maker!

2 Nature Made Fish Oil suplements 180 ct
Reg $16.99
Mfc -$2.00
Mfc -$1.00
Up Rewards -$5.00
MoneyMaker from Trans 1 -$5.00
Total cost: $3.99!
Total savings: $59.98!!!

Not a bad trip this evening!
Totsl cost: $3.99!!

Kashi Deals at the Commissary

Good deal on Kashi at the Commissary this month!

5 Boxes of Berry crumble Kashi cereal $2.50
5 Mfc -$1.00

Total: $7.50!

Huge Savings at CVS!

Somehow I managed to bag an ultra sweet deal at CVS this afternoon!

Transaction: 1
7 Skippy PB 3/$5 or $1.67 each
3 Ragu Sauce 3/$5 or 1.67 each
used 7 Mfc Skippy $1.00/ea or $7.00
used 1 Mfc Ragu $1.25/3
Extra Bucks reward for spending $15 on product $5

Total: $3.84!!
or 0.16 cents a jar for Skippy
and 0.80 cents a jar for Ragu!

Transaction 2:
2 Cheez It's 2/$6.00
1 Zantac Mint 24ct $9.99
used Mfc Zantac $5.00
used Extra Bucks from Trans 1 $5.00
used Mfc Cheez It $1.00
20oz Juice for Livi $1.88
20 oz Dr. P for Mommy $1.89
Extra Bucks rewards $2

Total: $7.00 ($3.77 just for the impulsive drinks)

I got the Zantac for FREE! And paid $3 plus tax for the two Cheez Its!

OOOH (ching, ching, ching) Rah!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Rite Aid trip

I've been to Rite Aid perhaps 3 times in my lifetime. So, after reading about all the success people were having from, I decided to give it a go. Sifted through their sales paper, and read about deals others were getting, and of course clipped all my necessary coupons first.
Not a bad trip for my first run, but I'm bugged by the thought that I could have done better. Could have been a bit smoother too. Since the cashier was a newbie as well, it took 30 minutes to check out.

(not pictured) Finish Quantumatic Kit

Transaction 1:
1 Edys ice cream
Reg: $5.99
On sale: $2.99
Up Rewards: $2.00
Total Cost: .99

Transaction 2:
1 Finish Quantumatic Kit
Reg: $10.99
On sale: $3.99
Mfc Coupon: $3.00
Total Cost: $1.19

Transaction 3:
1 Hartz Dog biscuits
Reg: $4.99
On Sale: $2.99
Up Rewards: $2.00
Mfc Coupon: $1.00
Total Cost: FREE

Transaction 4:
2 20oz Gatorade
Reg: 1/$1.99
On sale: $1.00
Mfc Coupon: bogo free
Cost: $1.00
1 Total Crest toothpaste
Reg: $3.69
Sale: $2.99
Mfc: $1.00
Use Up Reward credits: $2
Cost: FREE
2 Colgate 360 toothbrush
Reg: 1/$7.49
On Sale: Bogo free
Use Up Rewards: $2.00
Cost: 2/$5.49
Total Cost: $7.05

Transaction 5:
1 AirWick Warmer
On Sale: $.99
2 AirWick refills
Reg: 1/$3.99
Sale: 1/$2.50
2 Tums
Reg: 1/$5.49
Sale: 1/$4.00
Up Rewards: $2.00
Mfc: $2.50 (poor cashier got lost and just gave me another $2.50 off instead of the $.99 he was supposed to)
Total Cost: $9.79

Transaction 6:
1 KY Kiss Sensations
Reg: $19.99
1 KY Touch Massage
Reg: $12.49
On Sale: $6.24
Mfc: $4.00
Mfc: $3.00
Use Up Rewards: $4.00
Total Cost: $16.54
Earn $5 in Up Rewards

Spent: $30.06 Saved: $35.00
Total put towards my Winter Rewards in one trip $48.68

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Look who raided the health and beauty aisle

Recently I discovered the coupon bidding wars on Ebay. I paid .99 for 20 coupons of $3/2 Pantene products. I generally go through about one can of mousse every week to keep my golden locks frizz free.
I split the coupons between a sale at Walgreens this week and our commissary. Walgreens was advertising Pantene products 2 for $5. My coupons subtracted $3 bringing the total to $2/2 or $1 each. At the commissary Pantene was on sale for $2.50, which brought the total down to yet again $1 each. I stocked up on 18 cans of Pantene Curl Mousse that are regularly worth $4 a can ($72 for 18), and barely spent $18!

I also stocked up on Caress shower gel for roughly $1 each, normally $4+ and suave deodorant for .06 each at CVS, although I failed to keep the receipts and brag on my strategy.

Finally, the commissary has tampax tampons 18ct on sale for $2.03. All the ladies know that's a steal of a sale! Combine that with a coupon for $2/1 box, and you'll walk away paying .03 cents for each box! I have a stack of 20 of those very coupons that I purchased off ebay for .99 and can come away with 20 boxes for .60 cents!

The secret to saving so much is using a stack of the same coupons when the product is on sale and stock up. Combine that with register rewards (walgreens), extra bucks (cvs), or up rewards (rite aid), and you can literally walk away with a bag of goodies for nothing.