Thursday, March 17, 2011

Coupon Ettiquette

I've come across a lot of scumbag couponers. Some know what they are doing is crappy, and others just need a simple lesson on coupon morals. Why follow a set of morals? Simple! If customers start abusing the priviledge to use coupons, manufacturers will no longer send them out. It's a lose/lose situation.

Here's a few tips I can think of!

1) Unless you purchased the magazine, DON'T rip coupons out of it! Seriously, can you get any scummier than that?

I like to pick up a Parenting magazine occassionally, and it really SUCKS when another mom has scoured the magazine aisle and ripped ALL the coupons out of the books. Come on people, let's have a smidgen of integrity.

2)Returning items purchased with coupons, just to get the cash back.

"I needed the $$ to buy the good treats!"

Ok.. this is a biggie. It's called COUPON FRAUD. And believe it or not, is illegal! Yes, you can go to jail and/or pay big fines for this little act. DOes this mean I'm gonna be blackballed if I return an item paid with a coupon? No, of course not. I have had to return things for various reasons. Wrong size, item, or simply I just found a better deal elsewhere. It's not something I do often. Since the coupon has already been scanned and processed, the only way to get credit back is for the store to return your money in cash. If you frequent the store or chain.. you will get caught! Short on cash? Here's an idea learn how to be a Krazy Coupon Lady! You'll save more and won't waste time trying to manipulate the system!

3) Using a coupon that says $1.00 off Apple Cinnamon Cheerios only to buy the new Banana Nut kind. Ok, this doesn't seem like a big deal. I accidently did this a few weeks back, because I simply didn't know. It had all the Cheerio brands listed except the one I wanted. I just figured since it was new, it had not made it to print on the coupon. The store processed it with no problems, but now I get to live with the guilt of cheating the system. Oops! Will the Mfc fine the store for such a fraudulent activity? No, but if cashiers make it a habit to not read the coupon and verify the item, quantity, and size is correct, then ultimately the store gets in trouble. They might even be banned from accepting coupons from that Mfc. Sometimes coupons are really hard to read. But if you, the customer, know for a fact that you are trying to squeeze an item through, then shame on you! As for the cashier, respect their jobs! Some cashiers have no clue how to read coupons and interpret their store coupon policy, ahem, Walmart... others are coupon experts and read all the fine print..the Commissary and CVS for example! So do all us couponers and shoppers a favor and abide by what the coupons says!

4) Copying or scanning coupons.

Boy is this ever a no no! I'd hate to be the scumbag that got caught doing this! Coupons have bar codes that are unique to each one. If you duplicate a coupon, it's very unlikely that it will go through. And if it does, guess what! The store will hunt you down and prosecute your sorry couponing ass! If a grocery store processes fraudulent coupons, they don't get reimbursed by the mfc. Thus, they lose money, and lots of it! Unfortunately, many places have stopped taking internet coupons because too many people try to get away with this crime. Do us all a favor and dumpster dive for the extra coupons like the rest of us looney bins!

5) Coupon Exchange!

Trading coupons can be super fun. I love sending my friends $10 coupons for $5 off formula or $2.50 of Huggies. $2 off one Lysol product is awesome! These are high dollar coupons, that I no longer need! Why not pass them to someone who could use them rather than throw away! Sometimes you know the person, other times you are part of a coupon train or forum. Either way, make sure that whatever you asked for, that you send something equally wonderul. Let's say your internet coupon buddy sent you 10 very covetted $4/gilette fusion coupons! If you send her 10 coupons that consist of a mix of Dulcolax, Depends, dog treats, Diabetic meters, and toe nail fungus treatments, then YOU SUCK! Ok.. not really, you're just a tad misinformed! Well, I dunno. Maybe you do Suck! haha Instead send her 10 coupons for $2 off Angel soft toilet paper, because you know that's the preferred brand of her husband's ultra picky hiney!

6) Cool things a couponer can do!

If you're like me, you end up not using 75% of the coupons you clip. So what are my options besides tossing hundreds of dollars in the trash? Here are a few things I personally do.

How nice! Some lucky shopper will save $1.00 because of the generousity of a Coupon Fairy! Don't you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?

* Be a coupon fairy. While you're using your coupons in Target, place the ones you don't need on the products! There's a coupon fairy at our Target, and she is super cool because she tapes the coupon to the item. It doesn't get lost on the shelf!
* Send expired coupons to military families overseas. Exchanges and Commissaries overseas accept coupons up to 6 months past the expiration date. This is an awesome thing to do for military families, as it's a bit hard to get the local Sunday paper delivered to their foreign address!
* Don't have time to play Coupon Fairy? Sort your coupons and take all the Dulcolax, Fixadent, and Depends coupons to the nearest Senior living center. Post the diaper and formula coupons on the community board at ballet! Or at the pediatricians office! There's always someone who could use the coupons you don't!


  1. I'm sticking to the tad misinformed with a bit of Suck too. Yes folks, I was the gal she was talking about. I just sent everything I had at the moment. But, I'm new to couponing and will NOT MAKE THAT MISTAKE AGAIN! But lesson learned.
    #5 should be if u get sent Crap, then try to pass along said Crap because those companies don't print those coupons for Nothing. Eventually Someone will use them. PAY THEM FORWARD!

    P.S. I will try the coupon fairy thing. Some constipated old person will appreciate the Dulcolax..... ;P

  2. You're silly Jennifer! Go to the the Coupon Diva's facebook page. Everyone in the coupon train has received sucky coupons! :) Still friends?

  3. Of course still friends! =P I meant to put that as #6 by the way. And yes I have got some I paid for on ebay by the lot and couldn't use but 1 or 2. I'm gonna check the train in a second.

  4. COUPON FIGHT!!!!!!
