Sunday, April 17, 2011

Free trees for Earth Day!!

Lowe's is giving away free trees on April 23 in honor of Earth Day!

I love free...

And I love trees!

Deal of The Month!!

Best Buy has a special this week on their Disney Movies.

The Incredibles blue-ray, dvd, digital copy - $34.99
Cars blue-ray, dvd - $29.99

Both on sale for $35 total!
Saved $29.98!

I used two coupons from just for the occassion!

Cars - $8.00 off
Incredibles - $10.00 off

Saved another $18.00!

Total Cost for both movies..$18.75 including tax!


I didn't have coupons for Bambi or Pinocchio, but we did get both movies on sale for $35. Includes Blue-Ray and DVD.